Anonymous quickie was the second hottest search term on Google today Jan 6th 2010. That coincided with when the term was used in a Law and Order Special Victim Unit episode for the first time. And since then, every time the episode shows on any TV the search volume of this keyword goes through the roof. As per Google trends own words (Hotness: Volcanic).
This audience reaction indicates either or both of two facts:
2. Parents/guardians of preteen and teenagers are really concerned about the safety of their kids and are making sure such service doesn't exist, and how to protect their kids from this threat if it does exist.
In both cases, the episode opened the audience eyes on something that raised concerns about this kind of activity. This deserves devoting a whole website about the issue. This blog post is a tiny contribution to the online community that I benefited from a great deal in the past 15 years.
What is "Anonymous Quickie" anyway?
Does Anonymous Quickie Really Exist?
This kind of services is no different from dating services. Although big names in the dating industry (like eHarmoney, Christian Mingle, Catholic Mingle, and Singles Net) and top Christian dating sites take strong measurements in order to protect the customers, still a predator who is determined to hunt down a teenager prey can sneak around to reach his goal.
Although most of the dating sites don't allow talking openly about sex or uploading rated pictures in profiles, still some dating services are only specialized in this kind of dating (local adult dating, or worse, cheat-dating).
So in reality such sites really exist. I am an affiliate marketer and I see such offers in big affiliate networks. They offer big buck and, according to network stats, they sell like crazy! Very tempting, especially these days with struggling economy and millions of lost jobs.
Although most of the dating sites don't allow talking openly about sex or uploading rated pictures in profiles, still some dating services are only specialized in this kind of dating (local adult dating, or worse, cheat-dating).
So in reality such sites really exist. I am an affiliate marketer and I see such offers in big affiliate networks. They offer big buck and, according to network stats, they sell like crazy! Very tempting, especially these days with struggling economy and millions of lost jobs.
Cheating Sites For The Married Only
They are not alone by the way. Dating companies are now "niche" oriented, like religious dating, ethnic dating, body type dating, and now cheat dating. As a business owner you wouldn't devote some of your resources to cheat dating unless you know there is a market to absorb your service, and your investment is very likely to be profitable. Right?
Let's make sure the market exists. Here are some stats I copied from
"70 percent of married women and 54 percent of married men did not know of their spouses' extramarital activity.
22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to having sexual relations outside their marriage sometime in their past.
17 percent of divorces in the United States are caused by infidelity.
Source: Associated Press"
So, if you are a married American and reading this, there is 14-22% chance that your spouse is cheating on you, and if so, there is a 54-70% chance that you have no clue about it. ISN'T THAT SCARY?
And here is more from
Up to 37% of men and 22% of women admit to having affairs. Researchers think the vast majority of the millions of people who visit chat rooms, have multiple "special friends". Dr. Bob Lanier,
These are old numbers. With the expanding "anonymous quickie" and "cheat dating" services one can safely expect it to have increased in 2009-2010.
That was the bad news. The good news is that this market behavior created another market for software developers. Now there are programs you can install on your computer and catch your cheating spouse, hopefully before it gets serious and hard to fix.
Anonymous Quickie And Your Kids!
Sex Offenders | Organ Trafficking
Could your kid be involved in such activity? It is possible.
Could a predator be after your kid? As possible as above.
But it doesn't stop there.
Did you know that chat rooms are a good place to prey on kids and teenagers? I bet you knew that.
But did you also know that chat rooms are an excellent place to recruit teenagers for hate crimes? How about drugs ... alcohol ... child pornography ... do I need to say more?
Organ Trafficking
What is the best source of organs for transplants?
Usually young people are healthier than older ones, and their organs are supposed to have a longer life span that those collected from dead bodies of middle aged people or seniors.
That makes teenagers the best source for illegal organ trafficking.
Social networks are an excellent place for picking up people based on their geographic location, age, and gender.
Our kids are facing a real danger online and it is our job as parents to protect our kids and keep them safe.
Monitoring computer usage is critical
And it doesn't have to be a secret. You can let them know that you have that keylogg monitoring software installed on all the home computers. This itself will make them resist the temptation to explore these dangerous sites.
Every now and then let them know that you are monitoring their internet usage by discussing something they came across on the internet (you'll know from the monitoring software) and ask them about their opinion about it. This will establish the idea that you are watching them.
It's for their own good. Better safe than sorry as they say.
Install a parental control software
This porn blocker software actually blocks what other parental control software don't. It's not all about pornography though.
It blocks all kinds of offensive materials, integrates with all search engines, works with all known Internet browsers, stops illegal file sharing, limits access to social networks, provides simple url logging, and blocks chat programs.
It blocks all kinds of offensive materials, integrates with all search engines, works with all known Internet browsers, stops illegal file sharing, limits access to social networks, provides simple url logging, and blocks chat programs.
This is important, though it's necessary to help you head over to it weblink: